Mobile Health

KSS and mHealth

The mobile health (mHealth) intervention bridges existing maternal and infant health (MIH) information gaps between health professionals and women during pregnancy and postpartum. The mHealth approach includes the delivery of weekly MIH information using bi-directional voice messages (interactive voice response) in local languages for non-literate women and men, and text messages (SMS) in English for literate women and men. This strategy empowers women to gain more control over maternal and infant health, increases men’s awareness about maternal and infant care issues, and promotes partnership of fathers in pregnancy and infant care. The incorporation of an AI-based triage mechanism within this proposed scale-up will ensure that women and adolescent girls can quickly receive actionable responses to urgent health questions or challenges.

mHealth Workflow DiagrammHealth workflow, click on image for additional details

Savana Signatures T4MCH implements mHealth application